548 Veterans Affairs Employees Have Been Fired by President Trump’s Administration to Date
It looks like President Trump is keeping yet another campaign promise.
The Trump administration has taken swift action and terminated 548 employees from the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) since President Trump took office. Additionally, 200 employees have been suspended, with another 33 demoted over the course of the administration.
This is welcome news for our veterans, since the VA has been plagued, for years, with reports of corruption and malfeasance.
According to the Daily Caller:
Scores of veterans have died waiting for care while VA bureaucrats falsified data to procure monetary bonuses, but fixes have been slow to come by largely because the union that represents VA employees has used its political muscle with Democrats to emphasize job security for government employees.
President Trump has always been a big supporter of America’s veterans, made reforming the Veteran’s Affairs a major element of his campaign.
He is delivering on this promise.
Recall that one of his first acts as president as to sign the Veteran Affairs Accountability Act, which was designed to protect veterans, and their families, from the abuses committed by the VA.
In addition to cleaning house within the VA, President Trump’s administration has also disciplined a program analyst who audits the VA for the Government Accountability Office, the Chief of Police, Chief of Surgery, and a public affairs specialist with the VA.
Trump is taking action, but more must be done: remember that 49,933 veterans live on the streets. They need our help. This is a good start.