New Bill Allocates $1.6 Billion To Fund President Trump’s Wall With Mexico

Donald Trump will make Mexico pay for the wall

New Bill Will Allocate $1.6 Billion to Fund the Border Wall

As reported by the Hill: the House Appropriations Committee released a bill allocating $1.6 billion for construction of President Trump’s wall along the US southern border with Mexico.

The funding will not be enough to build the wall in its entirety, but it will lay the foundation, and fund physical barriers in key areas.

House Appropriations Homeland Security Subcommittee Chairman John Carter had this to say:

Keeping Americans safe by protecting our homeland is a top priority. This funding bill provides the resources to begin building a wall along our southern border, enhance our existing border security infrastructure, hire more border patrol agents, and fund detention operations.

More details are set to be released next week, including the location of precise location of the physical barriers.

President Trump seems happy with the bill:

And don’t worry, there are still lots of way that Mexico can pay for it.

The bill also dedicates a further $13.8 billion to customs and other border protections, including: $100 million to hire 500 more Border Patrol agents, $131 million for new border technology, $106 million for aircraft and sensors and $109 million for “non-intrusive inspection equipment.”

It also adds $619.7 million to Immigration and Customs Enforcement over current levels, bringing total funding for ICE to $7 billion.

This is a welcome first step.  America needs a wall.

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