Japan Accepted Just 3 Refugees In 2017—Has Little Crime, No Terrorist Attacks Since 1995

japan accepted just 3 refugees in 2017, coincidentally there is no terrorism in japan, and very little crime

Japan’s Immigration Policy Inoculates the Nation Against Terrorism

According to a new report from Reuters, Japan accepted just three refugees in the first half of 2017—despite receiving a record number of asylum claims, totaling 8,561.

That being said, this is certainly not out of the norm: Japan accepted just four refugees during the same period of 2016 (out of a potential 5,011).

Predictably, globalist organizations like the Human Rights Watch describe Japan’s policy as “abysmal”, and symptomatic of rampant xenophobia.  In contrast, they praise countries like Germany, which has accepted at least 1.5 million migrants since 2014, or Sweden, which has accepted well over 300,000.

Of course, what they don’t mention is that by heavily restricting immigration and migration, Japan has avoided the harsh economic and social problems caused by mass immigration.

For example, Germany anticipates that the current migrant influx will cost taxpayers some $1.2 trillion, while Sweden is currently spending a large fraction of its tax receipts on its migrants—nearly three percent of the nation’s GDP.

Likewise in America, illegal immigration costs the State of California $34 billion, equivalent to 17.7 percent of the state budget.

It goes without saying that Japan is currently spending no money caring for massive, impoverished migrant classes.

Likewise, Japanese economic growth has not been impeded by the lack of immigration.  In fact, Japan’s GDP per capita has increased at a greater pace than did America’s.  Clearly immigration does not necessarily cause economic growth.

Japan vs USA GDP per capita

Of course, it’s also worth mentioning that Japan’s crime rate is so low that it has become something of a running gag.  In fact, the Economist even wrote a piece saying that Japan’s police had to hunt for things to do in order to kill time.

Compare this to Germany, where migrant crime was up by 52.7 percent last year.

Finally, it’s worth remembering that Japan does not have any problem with terrorism—the type of terrorism that has been active in the West since the age of open borders, and especially since the start of the European migrant crisis.

In fact, Japan has suffered only two terrorist attacks in recent memory (both domestic).

The first was in 1985, when an explosion went off in the New Tokyo International Airport.  Two people died, four were injured.

The second was the Tokyo subway sarin gas attack, committed by members of a deranged religious cult—twelve died.  This was in 1995.

The Japanese experience differs starkly from that of the West largely because Japan has not embraced the “benefits” of mass migration as has the West.

Japan has remained Japanese, for better or worse; and at least for the time being, it looks like it will remain that way.

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